Blackwater Diving – Indonesia
Blackwater Diving is the most crazy thing you can do. You drive out into the pitch black night with the dingy, jump into the ocean and wait what comes up. And you discover a world, which is just freaky.
Plastic Ocean – We need the ocean
Plastic pollution increases continously. Animals are living in plastic and there are areas, where 6x more plastic debris is swimming in the ocean than plankton. Plastic bags cause the death of many marine animals, when they are mistaken for food. The ocean supplies half the oxygen we breath. So we need healty oceans.
Crytal Clear
That was my best day of diving in Raja Ampat ever. The Visibility was 35m+ it was crystal clear like in a aquarium and fish as far as you could see. Raja Ampat showed its best side this day. Just out of one day diving on Cape Kri, Cape Mansuar and Mioskon.
Summer 2018 in and around the Rhein in Switzerland.
Misool Liveaboard on the Indo Siren
This is a short movie i did for Manta Reisen on a 10-Day-Liveaboard to Misool with the Sirenfleet.
Misool on Indo Siren from Sabrina Inderbitzi on Vimeo.
Raja4Divers – Marine Life Movies
This are 10 short movies, which I did for Raja4Divers in Raja Ampat. We wanted to show whats around the resort and whats special about the area. With some short facts in the movies the guests should get to know a little bit more about special divesites or marine life.
Two of these Movies are “Heart of the Coral Triangle” or “Wobbegong” more can be watched on Raja4Divers Youtube-Channel
Dolphins in the Red Sea
This Video originated during one of my best dives ever. We had the chance to dive a whole dive with Dolphins. They played with us and were very curious and came an went again. It was a experience of a livetime.
Manta Ellie
This is a Movie about the passion of Ellie Germanov. She is a Manta Researcher and works for Marine Megafauna Foundation. Fish are Friends is supporting her project with every T-Shirt sold -> buy them here
The Passage – Raja Ampat
The Passage is a very special divesite in Raja Ampat. The unique topographie with all its caves and a huge amount of seafans and blackcorals makes it a little bit mystical. The strong current brings in a lot of nutrient and so can drift througt the channel, which it’ great fun.
Fusilier Run
This was an early morning dive at Batu Balong in Komodo. I love watching the travellis shoot into the school of fusiliers and how the school moves around.
Anemone City
Diving in the Anemone City in Alor. This Diveside is grown over with anemones and full of Nemos. I have never seen a place like that.
Serie Best Friends: Banggai-Kardinalbarsche
Das erste Video der Serie Best Friends: Die Banggai-Kardinalbarschen fand ich immer unglaublich schön und ich wollte das allen zeigen. Bei meiner Recherche fand ich heraus, dass sie ja vom Aussterben bedroht sind und auf der roten Liste stehen. Ich habe sie in Lembeh gefilmt. Eigentlich sind sie dort gar nicht heimisch, sondern eingeschleppt von Aquariumfisch-Händlern.
– I always liked these beautiful fishes. I just wanted to show everybody how beautiful they are, as I came over the fact that they are threatened with extinction. I filmed them in Lembeh, where they didn’t even live originally. They just existed in the Banggai Islands, until they got introduced in Lembeh by aquarium traders in 2000.
Das ist mein erstes Auftragsvideo für die Unterwasser-Welt-Ausstellung von SeaArt. Das erste Mal, dass ich mit einem Unterwasser Model gearbeitet habe.
– I did this shortmovie on order of SeaArt. SeaArt organizes underwater exhibitions. This was the first one in an openair swimming pool in Switzerland. Working the first time with a underwatermodel was a new expierience..
In Raja Ampat hat es von Barracudas nur so gewimmelt. Barracudas kommen mir immer ein bisschen gefährlich vor und das übt einen ganz besonderen Reiz auf mich aus.
– In Raja Ampat the barracudas were everywhere. I think I like them because they look a little bit scary.
Manta Mania in Komodo
Die Manta Tauchgänge in Komodo waren verrückt. Die Mantas kamen so nahe, dass man Sie hätte berühren können. Das habe ich natürlich nicht, dafür genau beobachtet, wie sie mich auch.
– The Manta Dives in Komodo were insane. The Mantas came that close I could have touched them, I did not for sure. But I watched them closley as they did me.
Squid’s Ballet
Am Ende eines Tauchganges in Ambon kamen wir an einer Gruppe Sepias vorbei, die über ihren gelegten Eiern einen Tanz aufführten. Wahrscheinlich ein einmaliges Erlebnis. Was genau sie da machten, konnte ich bis jetzt noch nicht herausfinden.
– On a Dive in Ambon we were very lucky. Probably a “Once in a lifetime” encounter. 20 minutes we could watch about 20 Squids mating or lying eggs or protecting eggs.
Komodo – Best of 2014
Ein Best of Video von einer 10-tägigen Safari in Komodo mit Current Junkies. Wie der Name schon sagt, bei zum Teil starken Strömungen.
– A Video of a 10-Day Liveaboard in Komodo with Current Junkies. As the name indicates, sometimes with quite strong current.
Cenotes Mexico
Mein Best Of aus 6 Tagen Tauchen in den Cenoten in Mexiko.
-Out of 6 days of Diving in the Cenotes in Mexico.
Ocean in Motion
Ein Video das aus purer Freude an der Unterwasserwelt entstanden ist. Ich wollte zeigen, wie unter Wasser gejagt wird, weil das für mich die beeindruckentsten Momente beim Tauchen sind.
– A Video which originated in the pure delight of the underwaterworld. I wanted to show how hunting is going on down there, because for me these are the most impressive moments.